Indium Blog

Write for the Web

  • Indium Corporation

  • Every project manager, marketing specialist, and tech support leader is walking around with at least a handful of potential B2B Marcom projects in their head.

    Before any of them get any further, I'd like to ask them to stop. In fact, I did just that in a meeting today. I had Indium Corporation's blogging team in a pizza frenzy while we were reviewing our blogs, other peoples' blogs, and the state of the blog art.

    Our blog team consists of some really plugged in and knowledgable people. They are the ones who devise, create, and finalize many of our pieces of literature and communications projects. After a brief discussion of how and where our target audiences look for answers and info, we all agreed that the answer is the internet. It seems preposterous to imagine an engineer waiting for his copy of Circuits Assembly Magazine to arrive in the mail, hoping it might contain an answer to a burning question. People turn to the web for fast help. We want to be that help.

    So, we are officially charged with directing ALL our B2B Marcom thoughts regarding literature, brochures, exhibits, etc. to the digital format first. We'll let the hardcopy stuff come later. This is a flip of the old way of business. Frankly, it is a bit overdue.

    Web first, hardcopy second.

    I am not down on, or against, print media. It has its place and is very valuable. Specifically, I really value Circuits Assembly Magazine. What I am changing is the mindset at project onset. We have to dream and create for the web (primary audience) and let the hard copy follow.